Tiffany & Co bride basket and liner, sterling silver, American, circa 1920, Rosalie Clauson Gallery.
Still the most popular month in which to get married, June weddings date back to the Roman Empire. Romans planned their weddings to coincide with the festival of Juno, wife of Jupiter and goddess of marriage, celebrated on June 1. Roman brides wore garlands of flowers around their necks to symbolize new life and the tradition morphed through the ages–by the 1800s, brides carried their flowers in wedding baskets, although only wealthy families could afford elegant silver baskets such as the one above.
Sterling silver clip with faceted blue crystal stones, Chicago, USA.
Over the years, more customs began to adorn the day, such as the one derived from the Old English rhyme “Something Olde, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, A Sixpence in your Shoe.” The bride carries something old for continuity, something new for future hopes, something borrowed to represent the fleeting nature of happiness, and something blue for fidelity. (The sixpence is for luck but largely remains a British custom, happily for many brides’ feet!) Visit our Pinterest board, Summer Bridal Antiques for our favorite bridal ornaments, old, new and blue (with emphasis on the old, naturally).