Lot#-3135-Hans Wegner "Peacock" chair, with blue wool upholstery and leather arm and headrests. September 7 Sale, Kaminski Auctions
On September 7, the flagship Massachusetts branch of Kaminski Auctions will be holding a modern design and 20th century sale. See below for more information. The New York branch of Kaminski Auctions is located on the main floor of The Manhattan Art & Antique Center, Gallery #28, 917.701.8162. Kaminski offers free expert appraisal service at the Center every Tuesday from 10:30 am – 5:00 pm.
The upcoming Twentieth Century and Modern Design auction at Kaminski will offer a myriad of collectable pieces for serious buyers. Important artists and designers include Diego Giacometti,and Gino Vistosi.
Lot#3124-Giacommetti, Console aux Oiseaux, Bronze and Glass. September 7 Sale, Kaminski Auctions
Featured prominently in this Twentieth Century sale is a stunning console table by renowned sculptor, Diego Giacometti. The Console Aux Oiseaux is signed “Diego,” once on the underside of a horizontal support. This home furnishing exemplifies Giacometti’s common use of animals as design elements. While the subject matter is common, this particular design is a rare discovery for twentieth century art collectors. This stunning sculptural object is descendant from the Orosco Family Trust Art Collection in Danville, CA and carries an estimate of $150,000 to $250,000.
Interior designers should also note a set of four glass pendant lamps in a range of primary colors, created in the 1970s by Gino Vistosi. One of the four boasts an intact foil label. The set promises to be a striking addition to any modern-themed living space, along with a Ball Chair attributed to Eero Aarnio, with original wool upholstery. This piece of iconic industrial design was created with the idea of simulating privacy within public spaces – or as it was best put by Aarnio, “A room within a room.”
Expected to raise a large amount of excitement among decorators is an extremely rare Hans Wegner Peacock chair, upholstered in original blue wool with leather accents over an oak frame. This piece of mid-century Danish design dates to 1955 and has been closeted in a local Massachusetts estate since its creation.
Lot#-31281960 Gibson Guitar. September 7 Sale, Kaminski Auctions
Also available for purchase is an original hollow-body electric Gibson Brydland guitar, circa 1960, with original label complete with serial number A34663. The guitar, was previously owned by Ken Raymond. An autographed promotional photo of Chet Atkins, whom Ken Raymond met on tour, accompanies this lot. Experts at Kaminski have applied a sale estimate of $5,000 to $7,000 to the piece.
Lot#-3013-Lichtenstein, "As I Opened Fire," Lithographs. September 7 Sale, Kaminski Auctions
Art collectors will be excited to find the triptych, As I Opened Fire, by Roy Lichtenstein and published by the Stedelijk Museum, among other works by Andy Warhol, Chuck Close and Shepard Fairey. Representatives at Kaminski are anticipating the performance of five original Bicentennial tapestries designed by Alexander Calder and hand woven by the Pinton Freres atelier in Aubusson, France. Circa 1975, these rare examples are from a limited edition of 200. All five possess a low edition of either #36 or #37 and are signed accordingly by Calder. Calder died the same year, shortly after these tapestries were created. The last works of Calder’s lifetime offered collectors a final chance to revel in his profound impact on the world of Modern Art.
Lot#-3126-Original "Bozo The Clown" suit and memorabilia collection. September 7 Sale, Kaminski Auctions
Boston natives will enjoy the “Bozo the Clown Collection”, which was retrieved from a Newton, MA estate and is expected to attract strong media attention. The collection features the full suit, travel case decorated by Carol Spinney, wig, a photo journal made by Unicef documenting Bozo’s seven week Asian trip and a framed original photo of the entire Bozo cast, as well as many other interesting items.
Lot#-3126-Original "Bozo The Clown" suit and memorabilia collection. September 7 Sale, Kaminski Auctions
Among other obscure objects offered in the sale is a Leica M-3 camera in the original hard-shell case. In strikingly good condition, the camera is of a low serial number – 873291 and includes an eyepiece, tripod mount and a Ernst Leitz GmbH lens with extendable bellows and shutter release.
A full online catalog for the sale will be available Friday, August 22nd by 8:00 pm ET, at www.kaminskiauctions.com. Preview for the sale will be held Tuesday through Saturday, September 2nd through 6th at the Kaminski auction gallery, from 10:00 am to 5:00pm daily. The auction will take place Sunday September 7th, beginning at 10:00 am, with preview to precede the sale beginning at 8:00am. Online bidding will be available through the Kaminski LIVE bidding platform.