Judith Leiber minaudiere in the shape of a recumbant horse, the mane, hooves and tail decorated with rhinestones, American, 1970s. Treasures & Pleasures
Today, January 31, marks the beginning of the New Year according to the Chinese calendar. 2014 is the Year of the Wood Horse. According to Chinese astral insight, this is a year of action and change. As we gallop off into the new year, we take a look back at our favorite vintage and antique horse art and objects at the Manhattan Art & Antiques Center.

Enamel model of a horse-drawn coach, Vienna, Austria, c. 1880. Sakai Antiques

Bronze horse on a rocky base, signed P.J. Mene, France.

Oil on panel of a horse by Emelio Garcia Mata, Cuba, circa 1930. Hoffman-Gampetro

Unusual pair of French floor lamps in the form of rearing horses, ebonized wood, nickel and glass by Maison Jansen, circa 1940"s. Paul Stamati Gallery

Pair of cloisonne horses, enamel on bronze, China, late 19th/early 20th century. P.M. Tung Arts

A medieval knight on horseback in full armor, 800 silver, Portugal, c. 1925.