Hemingway African Gallery, importers of fine African sculpture and artifacts at The Manhattan Art & Antiques Center, is showcasing a new and exciting collection of Shona sculpture. Brian Gaisford, gallery owner and original tenant of The Center, has been at this location, since its inception thirty-nine years ago. The sculpture will be on view and for sale in galleries #50 E and 96 until July 31st.
Having grown into a formidable art form in the past three decades, Shona sculpture is rooted in the spiritual and cultural traditions of Zimbabwe. Sculptures range in size from small intricately detailed works to massive architectural masterpieces; all carved from stone with simple tools and polished vigorously to bring out the stone’s natural grain and finish.
Most sculptors are still mostly untrained in the typical Western tradition of the artist. Their talent and understanding of sculpture is self-taught, handed down from generation to generation. As art critic Pierre Descargues wrote in French Culture, “The Shona sculptors appeared to pick up their tools where their ancestors of several hundred years before had laid them down.” Shona sculpture was first thrust into the spotlight of collectors and museums worldwide through the National Gallery in Rhodesia in the late 1950’s and encouraged through the museum’s national Gallery Workshop School. Today’s highest valued Shona pieces have been created in present times. However, the roots of this art form date back for centuries.
Today there are dozens of world-renowned Shona sculptors, all creating and sharing there own styles. Themes vary, ranging from the abstract to traditional African folklore; and also include religious figures.
If you are captivated by this unique and powerful art form, you can take an art safari with Brian Gaisford to Zimbabwe sculpture villages where Africa’s finest sculptors live and work. Brian points out, “Shona art is new to the art world and thus, a great investment.” He invites you to, “Combine your art safari with a wildlife photo safari through Botswana. Young people’s safaris for children eight and older are also available.”
Hemingway African Gallery, #50E & 96 is located in The Manhattan Art & Antiques Center, 1050 Second Ave. (Between 55th &56th St.), New York City. For more information contact Brian Gaisford. Tel: (212) 838-3650.
Open Monday thru Saturday from 10:30AM to 6PM Sunday, 12 Noon to 6PM.