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100+ top galleries in 40+ categories of art and antiques, including fine art, antique furniture, jewelry, European, Asian, African art, and other decorative arts.
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Antique English Sterling Silver Tea & Coffee Set London 1830
Steuben Vase
Dragon Architectural Ornament
Berrocal Puzzle Sculpture of Male Torso
Muller Freres Luneville French Art Deco Glass Vase
Hector Aguilar Handmade Copper and Brass Pitcher and Cup Set
A Fine Egyptian Revival Bronze and Cut Glass Centerpiece
A Fine Pair of Bohemian Overlay Glass Lusters
Unusual Pair of Ormolu-Mounted Deep Blue Glass Vases
Exquisite Ormolu Mounted Sevres Porcelain Pink Ground Clock
A Fine Meissen Rabbit
A Fine Meissen Dog
An Exquisite Royal Vienna Vase with Lid
Lovely Royal Vienna Double Painted Vase
Pair of Chinese Blue and White Porcelain Jars with Lids
Chinese Cracked Blue and White Porcelain Vase
Chinese Black Ground Famille-Verte Porcelain Vase
Wonderful Greek Drama Mask Hardstone Cameo
Fine Quality Pair of Silvered Bronze Three-light Caldwell Sconces
Stunning Silvered Bronze Ewer on a Neo-classical Three-legged Gilt-Bronze Mounted Pedestal
Fine Quality Pair of Neo-Classical Ormolu-mounted Marble Column Table Lamps
Magnificent French Bronze-mounted Porcelain Centerpiece
A Finely Carved Neoclassical Marble of a Standing Female Figure.
A Fine Quality Louis XVI-Style Gilt Bronze and White Marble Mantel Clock
A Fine Pair of French Egyptian Revival Gilt and Patinated Bronze Vases
Pair of Gilt Bronze five-light candelabras with Floral Arms and Ram's Head Handles
Pair of Important Bronze Figural Torcheres by Ferdinand Barbedienne Foundry
Fine Quality Patinated Bronze Sculpture of Mother & Child by Albert Belleuse
A Fine Patinated Bronze Sculpture of a Manchu Tartar by Barye
Elegant Pair of French Gilt Bronze Swan Handled with cut crystal Lamps