First edition of Ian Fleming’s “You Only Live Twice” the 12th James Bond novel, original cloth, original dust jacket, United Kingdom, 1964. Gallery #90: Manhattan Rare Books/212.326.8907
With the first-ever Brooklyn Antiques & Book Fair headed our way this weekend, we thought we’d share 15 of our favorite tomes from our first editions, antique books, autographs gallery, Manhattan Rare Books. Happy Friday, and happy #FridayReads!
First Edition of Lyrical Ballads, by William Wordsworth & Samuel Taylor Coleridge, contemporary full leather, UK, 1800.
First edition of Winston Churchill “Speech in the House of Commons” paper, United Kingdom, 1940.
First Edition of Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison, original cloth, original dust jacket, USA, 1952.
First Edition of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, original cloth and original dust jacket, American, 1957.
The Complete Poems of Robert Frost, signed limited edition, one of only 1500 copies signed by Frost, 1950.
First edition of “The Rough Riders” by Theodore Roosevelt, original cloth, American, 1899.
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, full morocco leather gilt, UK, 1902.
Thomas Pynchon, First Edition, Gravity”s Rainbow, original cloth, original dust jacket, USA, 1973.
Vintage The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.
Signed limited edition of the Poems of Oscar Wilde, one of 220 copies signed by Wilde, original cloth gilt cover, UK: 1892.
First Edition of Looking Forward, by Franklin D Roosevelt, full morocco leather, USA, 1933.
Vintage Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne