Charcoal drawing of a man by a teenaged Picasso, Picasso Museum, Barcelona. Souce: afanews.com
Reported in Antiques & Fine Arts, staff members of The Picasso Museum in Barcelona, Spain, removed the cardboard backing of Portrait of the Artist’s Mother (1896) by Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) during a recent restoration to find a never-before-seen charcoal portrait by the artist. Reyes Jimenez, the museum’s head of restoration, believes the recently discovered drawing is even older than the ruminative Artist’s Mother, which was executed by Picasso at the fledgling age of fifteen. The new drawing suggests Picasso’s early knowledge of technique may have been even greater than experts hitherto believed.

"Portrait of the Artist's Mother" by Pablo Picasso (1896), Picasso Museum, Barcelona. Source: wikipaintings.org.