Spring Show attendee gazes at jewelry display at The Manhattan Art & Antiques Center booth (#115), Spring Show NYC 2013.
May 02, 2013 — Last night, new collectors, seasoned curators, top designers, and antique enthusiasts the world over thronged the Spring Show NYC 2013 opening preview. The enthusiastic crowds at this year’s opening night were even larger than at the Show’s stunningly well-attended inaugural and sophomore years; a visible testament to the fact that Spring Show NYC has delivered on its early promise to become one of the glittering mainstays of the Park Avenue Armory’s antique season.

Attendee admiring beautiful handbags from Treasures & Pleasures, The Manhattan Art & Antiques booth (#115), Spring Show NYC 2013.
On the secret of Spring Show NYC’s rousing success, ARTFIXdaily wrote “Just the right amount of differentiating style, varied period offerings, and price ranges…helps this show to feel fresh in Manhattan’s saturated antiques show scene.” This spirit of diversity was nowhere better seen yesterday than at our bountiful booth, where pieces ranging from rare Iron Age antiquities to exquisite 19th century furniture to stunning modern art jewelry curated from the collections of nine of our dealers attracted buzzing crowds all night.

Antique enthusiasts gather outside The Manhattan Art & Antiques Center booth (#115), Spring Show NYC 2013.
Spring Show NYC is now open to the public May 2-5, 2013 at the Park Avenue Armory, Park Avenue and 67th Street, and tickets are available here. More than just a feast for the eyes, the show also offers an enlightening Salon Series with visionaries in the field of art and design, and an attending crowd that is as interesting and varied as the collections on display. Fledgling collectors especially shouldn’t miss Spring Show NYC’s celebrated Arts’ Night Out tomorrow, May 3, which offers a rare opportunity for new collectors to hobnob with top-tier arts and antique dealers. Come visit The Manhattan Art & Antiques Center at Booth 115 where our veteran dealers are always ready to share their insights garnered from several lifetimes of collecting antiques.

A Manhattan Art & Antiques Center dealer speaks to the group gathered around his display, Booth 115, Spring Show NYC 2013