Amy Lau, interior designer. Source: Spring Show NYC
This year, the Art and Antique Dealers League of America offers food for the mind as well as the eyes with their “Salon Series: Insights With Visionaries In The Field of Art & Design.” There have been several perceptive lectures at Spring Show NYC over the course of the past two days but the ones we’re most looking forward to occur over the weekend, starting with the New York School of Interior Design’s show-and-tell session “Designing The Artful Interior: Rooms to Look at and Live In” (Saturday, May 4, 2PM) and closing with a show tour led by Peter Trippi, editor of Fine Art Connoisseur (Sunday, May 5, 1PM). Saturday’s panel discussion will include prominent interior designers such as Amy Lau who will discuss the art of creating homes that are at once liveable and showcases for art and antiques collections. On Sunday, the ever-discerning Peter Trippi will conduct the last event of the Salon Series, a tour of the show’s most significant pieces. You can read more about the “2013 Spring Show – SALON SERIES” events here.

Peter Trippi, Editor of Fine Art Connoisseur. Spring Show NYC