Hailing from Scotland, Hartley Brown has over 40 years of expertise in fine antique and period jewelry. For over 30 years, Hartley Brown was based in London, bought and sold jewelry widely throughout western Europe and the US before settling in the US 11 years ago. Hartley Brown specializes in carved stones, intaglios, rare certified gemstones, antique, and period jewelry. CONTACT (P): 917.623.9550 (E): hartleybrownllc@aol.com
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Item ID: 18970
1960s Star Sapphire Ring. Rich blue star sapphire sent in heavy, platinum mounting. Highly polished collect surrounded by satinized mounting. Great color and stone with a certificate from American Gemological Laboratories stating the stone is unheated and natural. Sapphire and platinum, sapphire from far east, ring, USA, ring circa 1960’s.