Next in our video blog series, Dealer Q&A with our world-class dealers, we ask Sanford Suchow, owner of Suchow & Seigel Antiques [Gallery 81/212.888.3489] to tell us about his specialty, Chinese Export Porcelain.
Meet the Dealer
“My name is Sanford Suchow–S-U-C-H-O-W, and my wife and I own this antique shop. We’ve been in the business since 1968. We started my wife and I…and my sister and brother-in-law, but they’re gone, and we’re the survivors.”
What is Chinese Export?
“Porcelain made by China for hundreds of years and exported all over the world, but primarily to Europe–England, Scandinavia and Holland…They were made mainly in the 1800s for wealthy European families that could afford the cost, and of course, could wait for these to be manufactured, painted, and exported from China to Europe after a voyage of about 3-4 years.”
Do You Have a Specialty?
“I specialize in armorial [coats of arms of aristocratic European families], and I’m about the only one who does. Unfortunately, the others are all dead, and I have won out by default, because I’m the last one standing.”
How Do You Buy Your Porcelain?
“I buy pieces very sparingly, I buy nothing in quantity. I’m very selective–I don’t want to overwhelm the shelves because more is not better…I don’t necessarily buy anything that is in vogue or in fashion. I buy what is appealing to me.”
See the full interview above, and more plates here.
About Suchow & Seigel Antiques
At The Manhattan Art & Antiques Center for 15 years, Suchow & Seigel have been collectors since the 1960s. The gallery features Chinese Export, Delft, and objets de vertu of the 18th century.
Gallery #: 81
Phone #: 212.888.3489
Fax #: 212.355.4403