On August 15th, it’s Meet The Concierge: Your Keys to The City, from 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM, here at The Manhattan Art & Antiques Center.
East Midtown Partnership, Grand Central Partnership, The Manhattan Art & Antiques Center, and Where Magazine present this event, extended to members of the East Midtown Partnership & the Grand Central Partnership.
“Meet the Concierge” is Where New York’s trademark event and it includes networking opportunities and an enlightening discussion.
The panel of experts will explore the secrets of tapping into, and working with, the city’s elite Concierge professionals in order to garner additional business from the booming $40-plus billion travel market. The six-member breakfast panel will be comprised of esteemed members of the New York City Association of Hotel Concierges.
RSVP to Gabrielle Santo, NYCRSVP@morris.com by Thursday, August 10th 2017.