“Boxes” don’t sound all that elegant now, tending to evoke thoughts of storage or moving.
But the antique box…
Most often used for jewelry, these decorative and feminine objects were fitting places to keep treasures.
Antique Wonderful Gold and Agate Box

Gold and agate box intricately decorated with birds and garlands. Exceptionally worked in very high carat gold on beautiful agate panels with concealed hinge. High carat gold, and agate, European, circa 1870. [ Hartley Brown LLC | Gallery #50 | 917.623.9550 | hartleybrownllc@aol.com ]
Antique Mughal Gold Enamel Box

Gold, enamel, ruby and rose cut diamonds, India, 1850. [ Joseph Saidian & Sons | Gallery #48 |212.752.2684 | arielsaidian@gmail.com ]
18th Century Cinnabar Lacquer Box

This unique box is fully adorned with carved imagery of both human figures and scenic nature. It is in excellent condition and is a rare find. Acquired from Christie’s. Cinnabar lacquer, China, 18th century. [ Linda Cheng Gallery | Gallery #26 |347.528.8196 | nycantique@gmail.com ]
French or Russian Bronze and Enamel Box

Very fine quality champleve enamel jewelry box. Decorated all throughout. Bronze and Champleve enamel, 1874. [ Sakai Antiques Inc. | Gallery # 9 | 212.486.8900 | rsakai@verizon.net ]
Visit: Hartley Brown (in Gallery #50), Joseph Saidian & Sons (in Gallery #48), Linda Cheng Gallery (in Gallery #26), and Sakai Antiques (in Gallery #9).
At the Manhattan Art & Antiques Center: 1050 2nd Avenue (at 56th Street). Open to the public daily: Monday – Saturday 10:30AM to 6PM, Sunday noon – 6PM.