An ephemeral, life-sized apartment made of hand and from cloth – is on view until the end of January at Brooklyn Museum
On Saturdays and Sundays only, you can walk through “One: Do Ho Suh” – which features a “single, large-scale work by Korean-born artist Do Ho Suh, whose work engages with migration and cultural displacement”.
The work, entitled, “The Perfect Home II, 2003” showcases:
“a full-scale re-creation of the artist’s former apartment in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City and his home for 19 years. Visitors are invited to walk through the hand-sewn, translucent fabric replica, which includes details such as light fixtures, radiators, and even an intercom.”
Each architectural zone is represented by a different pastel shade of fabric.
In representing his former space with light-colored flowing material, these living-quarters take on a dream-like, ghostly feature highlighting its impermanence – and how it now exists only as a memory.