The Stone of Rebirth: May Birthstone Spotlight on The Emerald
May birthstone, the emerald is a symbol of renewal and fertility–apropos for the time of year when the world...
May 9, 20140 -
The Royal Stone: February Birthstone Spotlight on the Amethyst
Due to its brilliant hue of purple, the longstanding color of power, the amethyst has been associated with royalty...
The Changing Colors: October Gemstone Spotlight on Tourmaline & Opal
Multicolored Tourmaline stone & 14K gold chain convertible necklace, American, 1950s. Antique Reflections Gallery. Appropriately for the month with...
Heaven's Blessings: September Gemstone Spotlight On The Sapphire
Pin, fashioned as a floral spray, multi-colored sapphires and 18KT gold, American, circa 1980; Clifford Baron Gallery. September’s birthstone,...
Andy Warhol and The Figment Project
Andy Warhol once said, “I always thought I’d like my own tombstone to be blank. No epitaph, and no...
The Evening Emerald: August Gemstone Spotlight on the Peridot
From bringing the wearer power to protection, a multitude of mystical properties have been ascribed to the peridot over...
A Drop of Heart's Blood: July Gemstone Spotlight On The Ruby
18K gold ring with a large central ruby, surrounded by sapphires, diamonds, and emeralds, American, circa 1940-50. Hoffman-Gampetro gallery....