We consistently get great reviews, with many describing the MAAC as a “must see destination” with “items that look like they belong in a museum”.
Here are some recent rave reviews about us and our galleries:

@maac_nyc [ 1050 2nd Avenue | 212 355 4400 | info@the-maac.com ]
Estate Silver Co. Ltd. [ Estate Silver Co. | Gallery #65 | 212.758.4858 | estatesilver@yahoo.com ]

Keller Sterling-Gilt Table Service 31 pcs: A wonderful and extensive sterling-gilt dinner service by the French maker Keller. Gustave Keller started his company in Paris 1856, He was awarded two medals in the Paris World Exhibitions or his fine and beautiful style. – At AAA Silver/Nathan Horowicz Antiques
@Nathanhorowiczantiques [ AAA Silver/Nathan Horowitz Antiques | Gallery #91 | 212.755.6320 | info@nathanhorowicz.com ]
@SolomonTreasure [ Solomon Treasure | Gallery #83 | 917.686.9732 | solomon7272@gmail.com ]
Visit the MAAC at 1050 2nd Avenue, at 56th Street.
We’re open daily: Monday to Saturday from 10:30AM to 6PM and Sunday noon – 6PM.