Hootin Hollow Haunted House by Marx (Japan, 1964). [The Antique Toy Shop: Gallery 1/theantiquetoyshop@yahoo.com] Click image for detail views.
Brightly colored and bursting with bats, cobwebs, and creepy crawlies, this vintage game is a detail lover’s delight. It gets better from there with old-fashioned typewriter keys that let you play it like a keyboard–see it in action here. The toy is battery-operated as well, setting the house shaking and adding spooky lighting and grinding music to the toy’s mechanical charms.
In excellent condition and with its original box, this rare Halloween game is considered one of the greatest of the great Marx toys, which were generally beloved for their oddball creativity. In the 1920s-1960s, Marx Toys were often imprinted with the logo “One of the many Marx toys, have you all of them?” Not many people can say they do nowadays. Inquire here.